Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 5, Morning Visits

Hi Everyone - It's Jean again.  Mom has assigned me the blogging responsibilities.  See, I can do something useful in this situation.  :)  Well, this morning, Dad still looked and felt bad.  His lung volume had decreased and his kidney funtction were close to showing signs of acute renal failure.  Yet, recently, (nurses allowed us in around 11:30) Dad seemed to be feeling much better than the last 24 hours - to my untrained eyes, that is.  His paralysis seems to be the same, but he seems to be in a much better mood - even joking around with us and the nurses..more like normal Dad, without the loud voice :)  So, even though the IV is just now showing signs of improvement (maybe), they went ahead and  put a temporary dialysis catheter in his chest just hours ago to begin the plasmapheresis.  That should start in just about an hour or so.  Please pray that this begins to reverse the effect of this awful syndrome. 

On another note, some doctors are still not sure of the diagnosis, whether its GB, CIDP, or something else.  But, luckily, the treatment for all of this is the same. 

So, in summary, numbers are still not great, but he at least looks better versus the past 24 hours.  Thank you for all of your prayers and please keep them up :)  We so appreciate it! 

Love -


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for setting up this blog, Jean!!! I've been wanting to call you, Laure, SO badly, but knew that you certainly don't need to put up with my sobbing.... which has been going on since Helen called me Friday. Please know (and relay to Jacques) that I love you all so very much and hold you very close to my heart. It pains me to think of what you and your kids are going through. I'll pray, pray, pray and cry, cry, cry until Jacques is back to his old ornery self.... send him my love, dear friend. Jeanne Futch Muslow
